If you understand that I couldn't whisper an update on Bug's health, that I couldn't say it aloud for fear releasing it into the universe could, nay WOULD, fuck everything up, then you totally get me and I want to be your BFF, come shopping with me, I need jeans that don't make my ass look big.
It's been 7 weeks since the surgery and ....are you ready?? NINE WEEKS SINCE THE LAST FEVER! My wee one...
...I'm really paranoid to say this, I'm knocking on virtual wood and tossing esalt over my shoulder...
...is healthy. For the first time since we brought her soft, squishy buns home, healthy. Nine weeks! that is, in our world, unheard of.
It baffles me that something as simple has having her tonsils taken out worked. Of course that makes it sound as if the actual removal of said fleshy lobes was in some way easy, which it was not. The road to and the recovery of were difficult and long and full of pitfalls. But that road has ended, hopefully. She is now a happy, laughing, FEVER FREE little girl and to celebrate we're planning the mother of all 5th birthday party's for her. The girl deserves it.
Is it over? I don't know. I hope so. I pray that it is. When will I stop counting weeks since the last fever? I don't think that'll stop anytime soon, that road... I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Those feelings stick with you, they're hard to shake.
So in celebration of this monumental anniversary, I leave you with The Divine Miss Em, my beautiful, amazing, brave girl...