I have no full frontal, obvious reason why this makes me cry. That sobbing, snorting, phlegm-my cry. But it does. Maybe it's the number. Or maybe the simplicity of the solving and yet .... it's not solved. Or that without really internalizing it, or thinking of it, we, I, are a part of it. What I do know is I love the message.
I can see why that would make you cry. That was awesome.
Posted by: Erin Norris | February 18, 2010 at 06:13 AM
Do you know about this blog http://dancingmermaid.com/blog/
Click on the upper right button titled "Mermaid Warriors 3" if you're interested in finding out more about her online art classes for girls. Ava and I (and Lisa and Clara) will be doing this one starting on Feb. 22. We're not great artists- we just love her message and ideas about empowering girls. Maybe you should try this one or one in the future.
Posted by: Diana | February 18, 2010 at 04:23 PM