There is a prediction out there (hello Weather Channel, don't you look lovely today) that it will snow in San Antonio tomorrow. This little tidbit of anomaly may very well be the end of polite society here in the South. People are losing their minds and you would think we're all hunkering down for some major catastrophe. The shelves of our local grocery are bare, there is nary a loaf of bread to be found, and they're driving their big and completely unnecessarily large off-road vehicles (seriously, if one more douche bag in a Hummer goes over a speed bump at .1 miles an hour, I will ram my wee and shitty Stratus right up their overpriced ass) down the highways at Mad Max style speeds. Repent People, the END IS NEAR and the antichrist is upon us in the form of small, white flakes! Sure, forget that it was 80 degrees last weekend so the ground isn't even remotely close to freezing or that on the strange, bizarre chance it does stick that it will melt by 9a because the temperature will rise to about 45, just go on with your batshit crazy ways, why bring logic into it now?
There paranoid San Antonio People, feel better?
On to the boring and mundane but for some unexplainable reason I feel it necessary to share with the two remaining people who read this blog..................
This will come as a shock so brace your internet selves: I have broken up with my neighbor. Basically it culminated at a dinner where the girls were playing and putting their arms around each other to hug and doing general little girl goofing around stuff when all of a sudden 'C' up and starts doing her whine/tattle thing again only,....and this is so RIDICULOUSLY ridiculous I have a hard time writing it...
C: Mommy, Emma touched my breast.
Neighbor: It's ok
Me: -------!
C: Emma touched my breast!
Me: Sweetie, you guys were playing right? Hugging? There was no threat from Emma.
Emma: [Looking confused and wondering if she's in trouble]
Me to Emma: It's ok Ems, you didn't do anything wrong
Me to Neighbor: Are you kidding me?
Neighbor: I think it's important she tell me when someone touches her
Me to Neighbor: Ok, but there's a bit of distinction here don't you think?
Aaaaaand fade to black because YOU'VE BECOME A FREAK and you're TURNING YOUR KID INTO A FREAK.
To say I was annoyed and a little creeped out would be a gross understatement.
So, for reasons that really had nothing to do with the above, 'C' is in a daycare at a church for 3 hours a day (because CLEARLY she doesn't need the social skills) and we moved Emma into a far better, non-sick-every-two-weeks-school. And that's that. Neither one of us has bothered texting or reaching out to the other and I am A-OK with that. There will be those events with mutual friends but whatever, I've had enough.
Still makes me sputter and spew when I think about it. First casualty of friendship over different parenting styles I suppose, but was I wrong, did this not strike you as absurd?
Guess who got her ears pierced? No really, GUESS?!
(Thanksgiving lunch at school)
She had been asking for earrings for the longest time and we kept warning her it would hurt but she was determined, she has a mighty will folks. It was all very traumatic for about 3 minutes then she couldn't keep her eyes off her badass self.
(seriously, dudes, that's a kid up there. MY kid. Still wigs me out.)
(what? you don't fashion your kid's hair into palm trees?)
So I am theeeeeeeese close to joining a gym. Me. I only hesitate because I am the worlds laziest person but let's be honest here Peeps, apparently that extra 30 pounds I put on because of Lexapro and Depoprovera and Doritos, it would appear, isn't just water weight. Also, I am old. And sedentary. Suck. And I really don't like my body this way. And food, I like food. So this is a major dilemma for me. Lazy AND vain. Do ya'll work out? Run? How are you motivating yourself? Were results pretty quick? Can I become a slackass again once results are achieved?
(this is my general thought on the state of my current body)
Alrighty, don't forget, send bread, there's a chance we here in SA won't make it through tomorrow night. There's snow coming if you haven't heard. I need the stress carbs. Don't judge me.