Ya'll, this will put me firmly in the 'not cool kid' category, but I am not on Facebook. Honestly, and yes I do know there will be a certain amount of mocking concerning this, I'm not entirely sure what Facebook is. I mean I'm assuming it's in the realm of MySpace, but when I think of MySpace I think of sparkling unicorns, unbelievably bad homegrown poetry and 15-year girls typing things along the line of "JUDY N CHRIS, BFF4EVER!". Also, let's not forget about the pedophiles.
...and just like that I manage to alienate an entire cross section of the nice people who actually come here to listen to my ramblings. You're welcome.
What are you guys seeing because now? I'm a little freaked out.
So my last post, yeah...
(and that's where we shall leave it because....embarrassing!)
In the perfect world where I have piles of money and time and possibly a pharmacist with compromising integrity, I'd be Angelina. I would have the Benetton family of snarky kids. But life sometimes doesn't offer you what you desire and more often than not, it's the path you are meant to take. Even if it is at times painful. I am immensely, totally, completely privileged and humbled to raise my girl. If she's to be my only child, man, I am one incredibly lucky woman.
Speaking of Sassy the Wee (you're impressed with my segue, yes?), she had her birthday party last Saturday. There were a lot of people in my house and I was incredibly twitchie because ....there were a lot of people in my house.
Why is it you notice how dusty and generally mopey your house is right before 17,000 people walk in. Bugs are getting stuck in the dust on the mini blinds, the front door is inexplicably filthy, whatthefuckisthatonthefloor?...I'm just gonna say it, my house cleaning skills clearly suck ass. Not like anyone really saw the homemaking horrors given this nugget of nightmare was in the backyard, towering over every rooftop in the neighborhood...
People that is a 35 foot tall Dora the Explorer moon bounce. If ever there was a sign of the coming apocalypse, surely this would be it. Sweet Christ on a cracker that is WRONG.
But oh man, the girl's head very nearly exploded and she only begrudgingly got out of the thing to break the Dora pinata...
(which we filled wrong not realizing there were two sections. So when the girls pulled the strings and opened the bottom nothing came out because the candy was all crammed in her head. When we realized what happened I may or may not have turned to the group of mothers next to me and said "Don't look at Dora, we're going to rip her head off". ) (You should totally come to our next party! I can traumatize your children too!)
...and for some cake. It was instant love between them and we'll be talking about Bouncy Dora for many, many, many, many months to come.
And there will be more pictures coming, just as soon as I can get home to the camera that is sitting on the table that was supposed to remind me to pick up and bring with me, which I didn't because I didn't have nearly the quantity of coffee needed to remember anything above my normal morning routine. Hey, Dexter started at 11:00p, I had to watch it.
In the meantime, I have to ask all of you wise people - how do you handle gifts? Emma rips into them without really seeing or acknowledging them and I swear to god it's almost like watching static curtain her eyes. I know its partially her age and we've had the talk that when someone goes out of there way to give you a gift, you don't act like an ass, but it hasn't really sunk in. She doesn't care about what she gets, she doesn't get excited past the first gift and getting her to say thank you is a chore (where in normal day-to-day activities she says please and thank you ALWAYS). It's almost as if she gets overwhelmed with all the shit being presented to her and she just...turns off, except the perception it gives is one of diva child and spoiled and I hate it. I'm unsure what to do? It's so out of character for her that it leaves me a little stunned. Should I limit the amount she opens? How do I enforce manners when it comes to accepting gifts? All advice would be appreciated for we are frustrated and unsure what to do?