My absence, yes. That. I have no justifiable excuse so allow me to put in nice/neat numbered list all the crap that has been trolling around my brain:
1) What the hell, exactly, is up with Yo Gabba Gabba and specifically what psychotropic drug must I ingest to not be creeped out by it? Everything about this show scares the shit out of me and yet my daughter watches it like.....have you ever seen Videodrome?
2) You know this Twilight phenomenon going on now? Yeah not to be all downer but its literary blasphemy. No sex, "vegetarian" vampires, all shadows and macabre sensuality homogenized away for your convenience. Seriously, I Am Pissed. I weep for our youth and their crappy choices in literature. PICK UP BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA! IT'LL CREEP YOU OUT AND TURN YOU ON ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Bah. Youth is wasted on the young.
3) Did you see 20/20 last week? The one about the Russian adopters who had two children diagnosed with RAD? Raise your hand if you thought that.....oh I don't know....perhaps these asshates should have stopped with the whole videotaping their children in various rages/acts of mourning/sadness/confusion and maybe given them a hug or something. I can only speak for myself here but a camera shoved in your face when you're obviously hurting, might not be conducive to trust, empathy and compassion. I'm just saying. God but I could go on about these cheeseheads. Clearly they weren't prepared by their agency, clearly they spoke to no one of the risks involved with adoption, but I swear when that douchebag said that contractually, they were in fact buying a child who was supposed to be healthy both physically and emotionally, I sort of wanted to rip his face off. And then, when they sent their clearly hurt daughter away to boarding school in another country, the daughter who had been abused and abandoned by every single adult in her entire life, the one with trust issues, the one who was so clearly scared....yeah, I really wished them harm.
4) If there is a just and fair God, he/she will stop this incessant, unnecessary, bloated, ridiculous chatter about Sex and the City. I could give two shits about Carrie and what she wore 17 years ago when that damn movie was first released, I could care even less now.
5) PLEASE stop saying our daughters are special needs simply because their birth country is outside of the
United States
. I'm not saying there aren't children with special needs who are adopted; I'm just saying that broad stroke sort of makes you a tool. Try looking a parent in the eye who has a child with Down Syndrome or Autism; the ones whose children are in braces or a wheelchair and who struggle every single day for a grain of "normal" that your thriving, smart, loving girl is special needs. On second thought don't, that would make you the biggest ass in your county. Where did this ideology come from? Because there are situations, at times difficult situations that are inherent to post institutionalized children make them special needs? It's absolutely ridiculous and MY GOD with all the labels we fight to not be attached to our children we're perfectly fine with "special needs"? That's more than a little fucked up. Seriously, call my daughter special needs because she's and I are gonna have words.
6) And by "you" of course I don't mean YOU.
7) Also, that whole "my kid is different and special and fragile from my bio kid because she was adopted from a poor orphanage in a poor country and not brought forth from my very own womb - is gonna fuck up your kid. You've already declared there is a difference, you're child has already sensed she's different - and from her very own parents nonetheless - nice job, you've just caused her to need years worth of therapy in her future. Sounds like you have some adopters guilt, may I suggest nutting it up?
8) We're not going to send Emma to Chinese school unless she wants to go. There I said it. Mark and I don't believe in forcing her simply because she's Asian. My fear is she will grow to detest it and have no desire to pursue her culture in the future. It'll be that one thing we all have from out childhoods that our parents forced us to do because it "was for your own good". It comes down to this is HER culture - whether she rejects or embraces it, it's hers to do with what she will. We will take every chance to continue to expose her and peak her interests, to fuel her curiosities but ultimately, we don't feel forcing her into a program is the way to go.
9) I have gone off Lexapro. I feel better than I have in years. Go figure.
10) goddamnweightgain.
11.) Barak O'Bama. I laughed, I cried, I pumped my fist in the air. And then I was sickened and disheartened by those people who thought a black man in office was somehow justification for disgusting racial comments and jokes. One step forward, two steps back.