Awesome. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! I have a huge (yuge!) list of books now and Emma and I will be taking a trip to the book store this weekend. I'm so excited! Thank you so much.
To answer your question, I wish I still had my childhood books. I had hundreds of them, pop-ups, those three dimensional board books, my mom scoured stores for perfect stories. Unfortunately, while she wanted to save them for me, she made the mistake of storing them in She of Yard Sale's attic, also known as my grandmother. Yep, sold. No doubt for like a nickle. Try as I may to remember them, I just can't. It makes me sad to think about.
Anyway, fairs fair. Here are Emma's current favorite reads...
The Mouse and the Buddha. I love this book. I love the gentleness of the story, I love the colorful illustrations and love, love, love the message.
Whoever You Are. A book that teaches tolerance and the beauty of diversity, that it's ok to be different - that we're all different. And the illustrations are nothing short of magnificent.
Where the Wild Things Are. A classic we read twice, back-to-back, every night. She loves "They roared their terrible roar and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws", she acts it out which renders me stupid and drooling with the cuteness.
The Belly Button Book. We've read this one so many times that all of us, including Ems, can recite it from heart.
Green Eggs and Ham. Need I say anymore?
Miffy is Crying. This has been a staple since we first brought her home. The pages are ripped and repaired with tape, there's medicine and god only knows what else on it - the marks of a well loved book.
As far as adoption books go (other than her Welcome Home book)...
Families are Forever. I have a hard time getting through it without choking up. It's about a little 5-year old Chinese girl and her stuffed hippo named Bo. It's adorable, it will make you weak.
Shoey and Dot. Yeah I know some people really like this book, but it kind of makes me want to stab forks in my eyes. The story's ok, but the illustrations kind of skeeve me out. That ladybug is nothing short of creepy. (I can't even find it on Amazon, it's that lame.) (Ok I also hate that "When Love Takes You In" song by the Chapman dude so that may bleed over into the book) (No. No, that ladybug is disturbing) (But seriously? Can we find another anthem because I may have to hurl myself off the nearest overpass if I am forced to listen to it again) (AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T MAKE IT BACKGROUND MUSIC TO YOUR BLOG) (ew) (What's up with the bug wearing mismatched shoes?)
I Love You Like Crazy Cakes. The standard.
Ok, so I have to tell you this story because it so clearly shows I am somewhat of a hypocrite and something came up that directed that mirror RIGHT at me....
Mark and Ems and I are at our favorite Chinese restaurant last Friday, we're munching away when in walk two Asian woman who are speaking Chinese to each other. I sort of glanced over and they see Emma, smile and wave. As they get closer I see there's a little girl with them who's maybe a little older than Emma and who is also speaking Chinese, but the little girl was very much...well, white. She was dressed in what I would call "classic Chinese", the shoes, the pants, dressed for the artic tundra even though it was 70 degrees. So there I am, my mind just whirling away at the possible scenarios that would bring two Chinese woman and an Anglo baby together...husband's kids from a previous marriage? Certainly not adoption? When it occurred to me I was staring. I was doing the very thing I practically shoot the eye daggers of death to when it happens to us.
Later in the evening it became pretty clear they didn't speak any English and damn if I'm still not just curious as hell.
I kinda suck.
OH, and today we were at Walgreens and I was picking out a magazine and right at Emma's eye level are the fitness mags (yeah I'm unfamiliar with those) and it was if someone handed her a megaphone and out comes - at an incredible volume - BOOBIES!
I dont know where she picked up this word, but I may have to kill someone.
Boobies. Christ.