The following is proof that I am indeed the worst friend ever. Heed it's warning young friends, there is a lesson to be learned.
Three or four weeks ago
[although to be honest it could have been earlier this morning, time no longer has meaning in adoption-world]
I was blog surfing and came across a very sweet woman who was holding a fundraiser for her adoption. She was making the most adorable little travel blankets that origami into a little sausage roll with handles, perfect for the plane and covering a wee one during chilly flights. So of course I ordered one, in a ladybug print (shut up it's cute) and then promptly sort of forgot about it.
About a week or so later,
[could have been a month, please refer to above]
after the mushroom cloud of the March referrals had begun to dissipate and just at the start of Phase Bitter - The Bummering, I noticed a box sitting on my front porch and I think to myself "Yeah, yeah little origami sausage roll blanket, big deal. Never going to travel. Fucking CCAA. Why don't we just rub it in a little more that I HAVE NO BABY" and promptly tossed the box in Em's room and closed the door.
[for those of you playing along with the Home Edition, this would be a pivotal plot point]
Well last night after I spewed that last Post
[and sorry you had to read the emotional ramblings of psycho-adoption-chick]
I went to check the mail and sitting on my porch is a box which I assume is my order (Sephora's for novices People) so I rip it open and there, in all it's garish ladybug glory is my origami sausage roll blanket with handles.
So I trudge myself up to the nursery and look at the box sitting in Em's crib and I'm not kidding, I just sort of stared at it as if it could cause potential harm for a solid 2 minutes
[Let's not forget I'm psycho-adoption-chick with the memory of a gnat and the brain synopsis's of a sloth]
and I think to myself "yes, this does in fact appear to be a brown box. It seems to be square, perhaps made of cardboard. Why I am up here again? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah..."
So I proceed to rip open the box and ummm, it's this! From Ali and her mom and I am a complete and utter ass for just leaving that box in Em's room and OH MY GOD I feel like such a loser. This incredibly generous and thoughtful gift and it was just sitting there because psycho-adoption-chick is a dumbass.
Isn't it wonderful? And it's black and there's a Buddha! And Ali's mom embroidered my daughters name on the blanket - in red - and oh man the sobbing. Not just little tears, but great big monster tears complete with shoulders shaking and that quivering breath thing that happens because you cry really, really hard?
Yeah, I think I might have gotten snot on it! Isn't it great!
So if you're a believer in the "everything happens for a reason" school-of-thought, this would be a prime example. At the bleakest point in this journey thus far, when I was wallowing in self pity, a friend reached out to me from a box with a mistaken identity, and it made all the difference. I can't tell you how stunned and appreciative I am over this gesture. I'm speechless.
[In a Stephanie's speechless sort of way, which is not so much speechless but gooey and sappy]
Thank you Ali!