So here's my thought, and it's a bit of a bummer so I'm asking what you think...
The CCAA Director, I think, is the only person who can do a final sign off on referrals before they're mailed, right?
Mr. Director is currently doing World Tour 2006.
The big agencies are all reporting referrals will be sent at the end of next week.
Who signed off on these referrals?
Did Mr. Director sign them before he left in the first week of April?
Do you think that's why one of the big agecies is reporting the referrals will be May 31st and the first week of June? [Note: Not my agency because you know? That would be information that's useful and they don't work like that] Because the CCAA has had this month's referrals finished and sitting on some desk somewhere?
What's on the Boards? Any speculation?
Must. Eat. Peeps. Now.
Ya know, I was wondering the same thing. If he has to sign off and they're supposedly being sent at the end of next week and he's been gallavanting around the globe, have they been done and just sitting there? And if so, for the love of God, WHY????????????
Posted by: Jacquie | April 16, 2006 at 09:23 AM
The Director was at our agency last week. It was reported that he has a back-up to sign referrals in his absence. Whether they'll get here sooner than later? Only time will tell.
I was floored that our agency posted "to include the first week of June" on the member page. They are ultra conservative.
Either way, it will be an interesting week.
Posted by: Kimmy | April 16, 2006 at 06:39 PM