Quick question here, doesn't this just blow? Be honest.
For me I have no one to blame but myself. My brain kept saying "no, no foolish girl" but my heart held out hope, swooning at the mental image of me snuggling with my wee one. Stupid heart. So now I am officially 14 days away, yes boys and girls that's two weeks from my referral date. The $15 thousand dollar question now is how long can the CCAA drag this out, and will my daughter be 10 when I get her? Two weeks! Ha! it would be almost comical if it weren't so tragic and soul crushing.
So after a smidge of xanax and wine (the dinner of champions by the way) I'm feeling okey dokey. Food is for wussies People, unless what you're eating is produced by Pepperidge Farms, I think there's a Federal caveat for Pepperidge Farms.
The sad and somewhat Greek tragedy of this 14 day scenario is that I'm soooo close there's not a chance in all hell I can distance myself now. Will it come next month, the month after? Will Stephanie pull every single hair out of her head one single strand at a time? Stay tuned for the climactic ending. I'm sure to be batshit crazy again in ohhhhhhh, I'd say about 3 weeks.
The reason for this BWI (blogging while under the influence) is my concerns have turned to you. Some of my favorite friends have LID's in July/August/September and I'm worried about you. How are you taking this? Well, you know? Other than the "WHAT THE HELL" factor of it. So please tell me what you're thinking. Is there anything I can do? Send Pepperidge Farms? A wee bit of Xanax? Seriously, I want to know.
And if you're concerned about saying "you know", I'll start it...
Dear CCAA:
Mother of God People, WHAT THE HELL? I know you have babies in those orphanages, don't even try to convince me thousands and thousands of people are adopting little girls domestically. We may be dumb Americans but even we know that's a whopping load of crap. Explanation please?
I want soooooooooo bad to send an email to them to ask (as respectfully as I can)..WTF? I mean, why offer your email/message board if you don't expect people to use it. I know, I know. I just can't though, so I settle for my agency, only to be told "the current wait is"
I feel for you guys who are so close.
Posted by: shelly | April 25, 2006 at 05:00 PM
My agency director said today that all my being a crazy lunatic are justified and she has no freaking clue what the hell is going on. She totally called bullshit on the "not enough paper ready babies" and on the "domestic" thing. I found it refreshing, then having her sugar coat.
She said china looks dismal for referrals.
Although I am not in July/Aug/Sept. I am with you. I seriously could use a valium or xanax a few times a month and really hope may is better or I might not be blogging Mia anymore.....
Posted by: Jenny | April 25, 2006 at 05:07 PM
Ok, October friend here...... WTF? I'll just say it....... BULLSHIT. I don't buy it. There's more to this shit stew and it ain't got nothin' to do with no domestic adoption/paper ready baby crap. I'll take some Xanax and some wine with a side of Stephanie. Thanks for asking.
Posted by: Jacquie | April 25, 2006 at 06:20 PM
September here. Oddly enough, I'm okay. Don't know why but I've decided to accept that I have absolutley no control over this. I am almost afraid to write this but I was psyched when I saw the updates this morning. Yes it is slow bit at least it is still moving. My fear was that the program will close and I'm not afraid of that anymore....at least for today :)
Posted by: Sparky | April 25, 2006 at 06:30 PM
I'm a late June LID person (uh, hopefully one of those "friends" you were referring to). :) How have I been feeling? Numb and in shock. Those are the only words I can come up with.
I'm still in complete denial that they can continue on like this indefinitely. I know, I know, when will I effin learn?!?! I keep saying "next month they will SURELY speed back up now that we made it through the hump". But I looked at RQ's poll and it didn't look too pretty. The 6/7-6/10 people are quite a large bunch. So I think it's starting to settle in that we may very well see another shit batch next month.
Please CCAA, can you please do at least SEVEN days? Is that too much to ask?
Posted by: ashley | April 25, 2006 at 06:40 PM
i have a feb LID, so I may be the biggest loser of the bunch. the wait was 6 months when i signed on (with a china-only agency unfortunately), and now i am looking at, what, 18 months? thats if i'm lucky and the program hasnt shut down by then.
its just so tragic for all of us, you june folks must be going insane. i just wish i didn't have the vision of a chinese daughter in my mind, nothing else will do. if that weren't the case, i would be bailing right about now, it looks so bleak. it was very nice of you to think of us, steph, really very nice. hope the nightmare ends for you soon!
Posted by: eli | April 25, 2006 at 06:59 PM
Another February here....
also having dinner with Coke & Cap't Morgan.
I've been looking at puppies.
Fucking puppies.
Since this baby thing does not look promising.
Your going to be okay, Steph....
Posted by: Holly | April 25, 2006 at 07:39 PM
March LID, here. Had my first official freakout this afternoon upon the arrival of my agencies newsletter. They didn't even bother to estimate, just quoted the CCAA director, as reported over at RQ. It was a big clue that they really don't have ANY idea of what to expect. I'll take whatever you're sending...Xanax, Wine, Chocolate... really...I'm not picky. FWIW..I think you're next, Steph.
Posted by: Dee | April 25, 2006 at 08:16 PM
Yep, this stinks. I should probably change my blog address to eliza2007. So close, but so stinking far away.
Posted by: Tiffany | April 25, 2006 at 08:53 PM
It sucks beyond the telling of it. There's just nothing good about the endless bullshit wait. Thinking of you, and hoping next month is it!
Posted by: Michelle | April 26, 2006 at 08:05 AM