JEE-ZUS! Did you see 60 Minutes last night? I don't mean to be a dick here, but this sort of press is not helping my plight to become a mother. Look Media People the orphanage directors are freaking the fuck out and not sending paperwork to the CCAA. Hence a lack of paper-ready children for adoption, hence the crowding in orphanages, hence the lack of care for the children as ratios grow between Nannies and their charges. Can we cool it a little? Let the nice folks who are going to give us our babies take a breath?
And while we're on the subject, how about a little context? Instead of making China look like its inhabited by a bunch of uncaring barbarians, how about a little "broad picture" reporting? Not once did I hear mention of the annual income for a family in China ($1,500 American) or the annual income for a family in western China that can be as low as $100 American. Or the millions - MILLIONS of people who don't make enough to feed themselves let alone their families. How about reporting the whole truth, the desperation in the lives of people who merely want to EXIST. These are people struggling to make a life just like any other family or person on the planet. Yes there are those opportunistic pigs who will take advantage of grim situation for a buck, but why must all the attention be placed on these souls? There are almost 2 billion people in this Country, stop making them look like evil, soulless characters. Why direct our eyes and ears to those who leave us bitter? I, for one, am tired of your tabloid international news reports.
Also, and this ones very close to my heart; more and more it seems American a-parents are being made out to be the "bad guys" and while I'll concede as a Country we are somewhat glutenous mass consumers, it is not my fault China instituted a one-child policy. Stop making western a-parents out to be the bad guys. I refuse to allow you to make me feel guilty for wanting to adopt a child from China. Fuck off. I've gone to hell and back for my daughter and I won't let some opinionated, biased journalist(s) make me feel guilty about wanting it. Stop trying to place a stigma on me, my intentions are pure.
Fuck! This makes my ass twitch. Everyday I feel like this program is teetering on the edge and this crap - dudes this crap is not helping.
I KNOW!!! There is so much more to this "human interest" piece that would have balanced out the report. No one watches 60 Minutes anymore so they're going for the grabya story as opposed to the responsible one. I can only imagine the stories that will be out there leading up tp 2008.
Posted by: shelly | April 17, 2006 at 10:13 AM
Once again someone trying to place our white-America values and white-America-guilt on this process.
I didn't watch the episode, but I've read enough recounting (and sadly I can imagine the perspective they gave to the story) to know I didn't miss much, except the fact that it will make the sphincter's of the CCAA tighten up, a bit.
Posted by: Johnny | April 17, 2006 at 10:20 AM
The news has been reduced to soundbites and no one gives a crap about anything more than a memorable quote... it is more interesting to stir up images of China as a monster country than the reality... this way we can continue to be scared of them as they kick our ass in the global market...
Posted by: Kristin | April 17, 2006 at 11:22 AM
The next few weeks will have alot of China in the news as the President, Hu Jintao comes in to meet W.
Last week there was a Frontline on called "tank man" about Tiananmen square and the economy there now. It was really interesting but it also brought a question to my mind.
We persecuted Kathy Lee when her clothes were possibly made by kids in Asian. Chinese workers have no rights, none. Anyway, my stupid interjection. I haven't processed a deep opinion yet.
I just looked up my I-171h and it expires July 2007, not sure if that is long enough for my wait, doubt it!
Posted by: Jenny | April 17, 2006 at 11:36 AM
that show made me cringe for all the reasons you mentioned. I want a complete media blackout on china until i get my kid. well, actually i'll probably want a second one, so can the media SHUT UP about china until, like 2009?
These stories are NEVER good for us. like you said, things are bad enough these days without 60 minutes and the freakin washington post adding fuel to the fire. sheesh
Posted by: eli | April 17, 2006 at 01:00 PM
Oh holy Jesus. I wish the media would just shut the fuck up already. Too bad we don't know someone in a high place that at least can report on the WHOLE picture and the WHOLE story. Shit.
Posted by: Jacquie | April 17, 2006 at 02:37 PM
The show made me cringe too. I thought it did better than the Washington Post or whatever paper it was that basically said 'adoption causes baby trafficking', but it was fairly biased.
And something I learned the hard way, translator who are not local, have a very rough time getting the straight story. Did you see her translator?
Posted by: One Lucky Mom | April 17, 2006 at 10:02 PM
I just caught the last couple of minutes of it and it did NOTHING to ease my worries. Our plan was always to travel before the Olympics in 2008 and now, for the first time I am feeling that our second adoption may not happen at all. I hate being on the long side of the wait. Wait, we're not even "waiting" yet...crap. Come on social worker! Another story for another time.
Posted by: Tracee | April 18, 2006 at 01:57 AM