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April 19, 2006



Ok, first of all, I laughed out loud when you said "at least wait until they finish July." Is she kidding me? July? That will be, oh, who the hell knows when?

Second of all, can I quote you on the "vortex of suck?" Love it.

Third of all, right when I was ready to join the freaked out masses, you, my friend, have to go and get all sane on me. Thank you. (And I think I can speak for my husband as well who would thank you if he could.) I mean really, I'm getting ready to go for my spa day and I seriously needed to chill the fuck out. If I could, I'd give you a big wet kiss on the lips. Instead, this will have to suffice.



I wonder if it's kosher to continue an email conversation on a blog comment section? Look, if you're going to switch countries based on someone's blog comments, you need to stop and think about why you chose China in the first place. Maybe it was "I am guaranteed a child after 9 months of waiting". If so, who you going to go to now?

If you chose China because there were no "well, the fee in China has changed since you signed the contract, we will need you to wire $2K from America before we hand the child over to you" then have you read ANY blogs that show anything has changed in their reliability ONCE YOU GET TO A REFERRAL?

In fact, I find the opposite is true. We've seen instances where directors are offering "replacement referrals" on the spot because they feel the children are too sick to be adopted (it's no one's fault they got pnuemonia between the referral time and your Metcha day).

Did anyone think that when the 9 month referrals dipped down to 6 months it was going to be permanent?

Life ain't fair and it ain't guaranteed.

(sorry I had to use your soapbox Stephanie)


YOu have GOT to copyright the "vortex of suck"



I'm the queen of the run-on sentence. I was feeling so terrible last night, after a day of sucko rumors. I go from being convinced that the China program is about to slam shut to accepting that the wait is just that..a wait, more time - not a sign that the sky is falling. I totally agree with your assessment about the lack of information, and what it does to us pessimists. This is absolutley the biggest test of patience I've ever had. I'm a control freak, so this is a hard place for me. Your post reminded me of things I needed to remind myself. I chose China for a reason - and I have no information to make me doubt my choice of programs.


Personally, I wasn't considering "switching" countries. We all chose China for our own personal, and I am sure SOME very similar reasons. DH and I intended to adopt a year or so after A - from China. I believe looking at another country as an option for our second adoption makes sense. The outlook on lengthening wait times to 18 months, and realistically closer to 2 years, is disappointing. The possibility of SNs being the children available only to IAers... leads to more questions. Flame me if you must. I, for one, requested a healthy child. I understand that there are no guarantees in the health of any child. But, I think a majority of us have requested a healthy child and know what we personally can handle. I think it is very easy to "take the high road" if you are close to referral or expecting an expedited referral. However, those of us that are newly LID or paperchasing have many unknowns and are not quite sure what to expect. I do know that many of the rumors from previous months, have become fact. I choose to keep my options open for the future!


We are basically doing exactly what you mentioned Steph. We are going to sait until June/July see how things are progressing and move in a direction then.

Our agency said they see it being 12/13/14 months max. Our agency director basically said we can switch, it will be a hassle but we can do it and the paperwork won't be anything like China.

The thing is this. We choose china for a million reasons. one being cost, one being length of time to referral, blah blah. I didn't expect it to be simple. I didn't expect it to be easy. I didn't expect it to be with in the time frame we were given. I always expected a longer wait. But when it becomes reality it is hard to just take it and move forward. It is the whole pessimist thing like you mentioned and being terrified of being hurt again. Oh more than terrified of being hurt.

Tracy E.

Shelly - I also choose to keep my options open for a future adoption, too. We are with a China-only agency this time around, and we are definitely in this for the long haul, and I do know our first child is in China. But my options will be open for child #2.


We're in for the long haul. We never even researched or considered other countries. Something about crack whores or something in other countries. Yes, feel free to strike that from the record.

Anyway, The Dean and I just looked at each other way back in December of 2004 and said, "Hey, what about adopting from China?"

Aside from the one-child policy and all the other obvious reasons, most which you all have stated here, we didn't have any real mythical reason for selecting China. We just did.

The on-going joke between Dean and I is that we'll go to HoHot, or the farthest Province and orphanage possible. We now secretly hope to travel to a northern Province thinking it will be much cooler up there in the summer heat.

So, there you go. Straight up.

And, dammit, where's my salt covered martini, Steph'?????

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