I am profoundly disappointed in the behavior of some adoptive parents. We had a rare and precious opportunity to read the experiences of adult Korean adoptees and we fucked it up royally. The reason I didn't post what Blog that quote came from was because I respected the author's privacy and right to say whatever the hell she wanted to say on her Blog without a bunch of freaky China adopters bombarding her with argumentative comments.
There's a trend I see more and more in Blogland, apparently it's not acceptable to have a thought that may differ from the pack. Regardless of whether I agreed or disagreed with what the author said I would never in a million years feel it's appropriate to argue HER FEELINGS on HER BLOG. She is justified to write whatever her experiences and opinions are no matter what we think. They are hers and they are personal.
So now, to add insult to injury, some dickhead posted the URLs on the Boards. Inappropriate, absolutely inappropriate and now the fall out has gained momentum. We all know these Boards, they're filled with pompous blowhards who aren't mature enough to take the gift when it's handed to them.
This very reason, the inability to accept diversity - YES DIVERSITY IN THOUGHT AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF DIFFERING OPINION- is why I want to stop blogging. I don't want to be continually reminded of the small mindedness out there.
I simply can't believe what some people wrote, anonymously of course. I'm absolutely sick some of these blogs had to turn off their comments. I'm embarrassed that we weren't able to allow someone to express their thoughts without pouncing on them. Have we really become so hypersensitive that we can't see the forest through the trees?
Very good points. I had to think back.
Did I bombard her with negativity? nope - Check.
Did I list or mention this person's link? nope - Check.
Did I say she was WRONG? nope - Check.
Did I jump on her ass? nope - Check.
Did I agree with her? nope - Check.
Do I believe she's got the right to her opinions? yep - Check.
Me asshole? Yeah sometimes. But not in this case, I think.
Posted by: Johnny | March 28, 2006 at 07:49 AM
That is crappy! Some people live for stirring shit up.
Posted by: Shelli | March 28, 2006 at 08:38 AM
I haven't even ever gone over to an adoptees blog who would have negative views of her upbringing and ever ever say a bad thing. I think it is her experience, period. Not my place to say anything to her/them. They have a right to their feelings.
Like I said on another blog. I think we feel defensive and scrutinized (us adoptors), I also realize that if someone came to my blog and said, well you know what your Infertility is stupid and you should just get the fuck over it, I would be PISSED. It is my experience, my feelings and I feel the same about the angry adoptees, they are entitled to feel however they want.
I went through Johnny's list and my checklist was the same (thank god!)
Posted by: Jenny | March 28, 2006 at 08:42 AM
Some people are just lame. They are entitled to their opinions, just as we are. We don't know the experiences that shaped their views, just as they don't necessarily know ours.
Posted by: Deanna | March 28, 2006 at 09:02 AM
That is so ridiculous. Too bad people cannot be allowed to have thier own opinions and feelings. You know that those jerks that made the posts throw fits about people disagreeing with them on the boards. It is so annoying.
Posted by: Carrie | March 28, 2006 at 10:00 AM
please don't stop blogging! I agree that the thoughtlessness and disrespect around blogland (and honestly IRL) is frustrating, but PLEASE don't let it keep you from sharing your thoughts and POV here in blogland.
Posted by: Tracy | March 28, 2006 at 01:48 PM