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March 23, 2006



Hey, I'd partay with you if I could. Use my Mexican Martini recipe.

Jen R

Yours is the best word cloud I have seen by far


My favorite is "pile pissed plus popsicle process". Quite alliterative, doncha think?
Enjoy the tequila. I wouldn't mind joining you. The wait sucks, no if, ands or buts about it.
also waiting,but with a pic of my little guy.


Count me in for Tequilla! I hope you have lots on hand!

I have to admit that Tom and I have contemplated the possibility of changing our adoption path due to the increased wait. But we can't. Because our daughter is in China. So we'll wait. We won't be happy about it, but we'll do it. And I'm convinced that we'll love Grace even more so because of it.

So China, if this is a test to see how bad we want our children, y'all can stop now. I think we've all passed.


i got nothing...really nothing...sucks...totally sucks...


I prefer my salt with a little tequila. Thanks. I'll bring the extra salt.


I can't read the word between them but "bittter bug" caught my eye. Maybe you should create one of those for us and we could use it as the new symbol of Chinese adoption. It could replace the ladybug pretty easily at this point I think.


I like "snark" right on top of "suck." Kinda like a suck sandwich, which is exactly what I feel like we've all been fed. Bullshit.


I'll pick some fresh Key Limes and head your way. I like a little salt with mine.

Hang in there, every little thing, gonna be alright...


I will tell you that yours is one of my favorite word clouds. In fact, I actually spent time reading it and it did bring a smile to my face today which is more than I can say for the rest of the crap I read about the delay.

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