You may be asking yourself "so S., where exactly are you in the adoption process?" Well, we're waiting for our LID, which apparently takes as long as say, having a bill pass through Congress. Six weeks and nothing. I've noticed on the ever prudish and sanctimonious APC board that many people have gotten their LIDs, people who have submitted their dossiers after I have, and I see such joy and excitement in their posts. To them I say "bitches!" Are you just rubbing it in my face?! Are ya' one uppin' me? If I hear one more person say "enjoy this time, it's your pregnancy", I'm going postal. This whole process sucks ass. Must we, the adoption community, sugar coat everything? Can't we be bitter that we have no control and that a group of people, who don't really know us, or give a shit about us - let's be honest - have control over our destiny? I say YES, let the frustrated and pissed off members of the China adoption community rise up and rebel and shove the "blessings" up these people's asses.
That pretty much sets the tone.