About a year or so ago, I, wanting to do the motherly thing, began a bunch of "mommy" projects for Emma:
1) A hand crocheted blanket that is currently gathering enormous dust bunnies in a basket beside the living room couch. To be perfectly honest, it turns out I don't know what I'm doing. It never occurred to me to measure anything (dumb ass), so what I've ended up with is a very long, but not so wide blankie. If I tried to even it out, it would be so big I might as well use it as a rug.
2) Being an "artsy" type I foolishly decided to make the most elaborate referral announcements ever created. Something very exotic and Asian, something that didn't include the colors pink, yellow or baby blue. I got the stuff, did the math of how many I would have to pump out a week to make my target number, then promptly put everything up, stored in the room that's supposed to be the nursery, which leads me to...
3) The nursery. I have/had planned colorful murals, a painted ceiling, funky furniture - again with no pink, yellow or blue. You would think I would be all over this one, but nope, it was cutting into my CSI time. This room, inexplicably, has become a place to store stuff (please refer to the above).
4) The "Welcome Home" book. This started strong, I spent hours scouring the scrapebook stores (which I hated, those fru-fru mothers freak me out) looking for the perfect embellishments to make the book fun for a little girl. Took countless pictures of my pets for the perfect goofy face. It sits with the referral announcement stuff now, somewhere in the storeroom that will, hopefully one day, if I can get up off of my ass, be a nursery.